Great, Great Love

As many as were appointed-  to eternal life have believed
Lord, grant us repentance that leads to life, and open our hearts to  receive
Much Better than voices of angels  Much Better than visions above
The more sure word bears witness That we are greatly loved

Great Great Love- Love beyond all of our dreams
Great Great Love-We are loved with a love that’s supreme
Great, Great Love- What manner of Love  beyond measure
Great, Great Love, He makes sons and daughters His treasure

We were by nature children of wrath,  Just like the rest of mankind.
But God, being rich in His mercy,  Has granted new sight to the blind
The great love with which he loved us,  Has given us  grace through His Son
And we overflow with amazement Because of this thing He has done

Even when we were dead in our trespasses,  made us alive together with Christ. . . .
For by grace you have been saved through faith. So believe in the One sacrifice!
Understand the words He has spoken  For your pleas for his mercy are heard
Fear not,  And God’s peace be with you;  and stand upright, for he sends us his Word

So be strong and be of good courage, and to the message you’ve heard stay true
Overflowing with amazed thankfulness  that a miracle believer is You

Great Great Love- Love beyond all of our dreams
Great Great Love-We are loved with a love that’s supreme
Great, Great Love- What manner of Love  beyond measure
Great, Great Love, He makes sons and daughters His treasure

Daniel 9:23 Daniel 10:11 Daniel 10:19 Ephesians 2:3–5, 8

February 25, 2019
Anthony Foster


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