Your Word

It is not by power, not by might
That the victories of this life are won
It is walking in the Word of Light
By the sword of the Spirit it is done

By this sword the worldly flesh we kill
By this sword we're protected in the war
It will pierce our feelings and our will
Through its precepts, the battle is the Lord’s

Your word I have hidden in my heart
That I might not sin against You
Your word I have hidden in my heart
For Your word is faithful and true

Your word you have written on my heart
My name you have written on your hand
By your word a living way you chart
That your child can begin to understand

A lamp to my feet and to my path, a light
Dividing bone and marrow, defining wrong and right
Giving wisdom to the foolish
And to blind men giving sight
Your word, Lord, your word

Your word I have hidden in my heart
That I might not sin against You
Your word I have hidden in my heart
For your word is faithful and true

Your word you have written on my heart
My name you have written on your hand
By Your word a living way you chart
That your child can begin to understand

Heaven and Earth shall pass away
But Your Words will never pass away

A lamp to my feet and to my path, a light
Dividing bone and marrow, defining wrong and right
Giving wisdom to the foolish
And to blind men giving sight
Your word, Lord, your word.

March 6, 2019
Anthony Foster


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