Man of Sorrows

Man of Sorrows, spotless lamb
All our guilt and shame you bore
Redeemed us from the hellbound damned
Opened  to us heavens door!
Man of Sorrows, man of grief
Crushed for our iniquities
You’re our refuge and relief
Pierced for our Sin to set us free

Man of Sorrows, weep for me
Bear my burdens and my pain
Sins penalty you reap for me
And your loss becomes my gain.
Man of Sorrows so abused
The Suffering servant is revealed
Innocent, you were accused
By your woundings we are healed

Afflicted and oppressed for me
Rejected by man and despised
The result of His suffering God shall see
And He shall be satisfied
He was lifted up to die
Though he had done no violence
Cut off from life for such as I
He is my Righteous recompense

Man of Sorrows in your tomb
The God of Life Death could not hold
Vindicated you spelled Death’s doom
And so the good news must be told!
For now on High he intercedes
He is exalted on the throne
So we extol His mighty deeds
Till he returns to call us Home!

July 13, 2019
Anthony Foster


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