We Have Come Together

We have Come to sing Your praises
We have come to lift You High
Gathered here, You dwell among us
Our heartcries You satisfy.

We your people come before you
Manifest your presence here!
Come constrain our wandering spirits
Make your Word ring loud and clear

We have come together, Father
Lord, unite our hearts in Praise
Fill us as we come together
With the wonders of your Grace!

Come Spirit, fall upon us
Light our minds with Holy fire
Make our bones to burn within us
With  passion for our soul’s desire.

The fellowship of the following flock
Shall make our Shepherd known
Blest be the ties that bind our hearts
In Love for Christ alone!

We have come together, Father
Lord, unite our hearts in Praise
Fill us as we come together
With the wonders of your Grace!

August 23, 2019
Anthony Foster


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