We Proclaim the Glories of our Savior

We place our trust in Christ alone.
We proclaim the One Lord Jesus Christ
He is the final Word of God made known
He is the final sacrifice.

Only begotten Son of God
Begotten before all worlds began
O Very God of Very God
The Light of light and Son of Man

We proclaim the glories of our Savior
We proclaim the risen Lord of righteousness
We proclaim his gifts of undeserved favor
To those whom in resurrection power rest

in Christ alone We place our trust
Alpha, Omega, last and first
Lord of all, Righteous and Just
Savior to all who for Him thirst.

Our hope and refuge is in Christ,
He is our beginning and our end.
There is no other love that has sufficed
He is our keeper and our friend

We proclaim the glories of our Savior
We proclaim the risen Lord of righteousness
We proclaim his gifts of undeserved favor
To those whom in resurrection power rest

Anthony Foster
September 9, 2019


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