The Beauty of Your Glory

Beyond the bea u t y of this world there is a greater grande ur Magnificence beyond compare both glorio us and pure The splendors of my Savior exceed what I can state For higher, deeper are His charms than mere words can relate Bea utiful Savior You are my heart Yo urs is the glory, hope you impart Lord yo u are lovely, so I seek your face So ul satisfaction is found in your grace! My heart's desire is what I ask Lord in yo ur beauty I wo uld bask Lord to my so ul I pray unmask The bea uty of your Glory! Beyond all I can ask or think he gives the eyes to see The unveiled weight of glory revealed when we believe Exceeding comprehension, transcending priceless worth Be exalted in the heavens, and be hallowed here on earth! Bea utiful Savior in awe I stand Amazed by a grace that is glorio us and grand So show me yo ur glory and this dust transform Into yo ur likeness I would be conformed. My heart's desire is what I ask Lord in yo ur beauty I wo uld bask L...