Unfathomable Mystery


We witness to salvation’s story
You kindle the fire in our bones.
Christ in Us the hope of glory
You redeemed and made us your home

Unfathomable mystery
Unleashed on Us from wondrous wells
Wells Of Divine love and Mercy
For ones in whom Christ Jesus dwells

How can it be that the Godhead
Enters our hearts to reside
How can dust to glory be wed
How can become Christ’s bride?

Unfathomable mystery
These depths cannot be plumbed
It is deeper than the deepest sea
And higher than the greatest sum.

All things become theology
For all things in Christ consist
He reveals God’s ageless mystery
By dwelling in our midst

I have been crucified with Christ.
Even this is mystery
It is no longer I who live,
but Christ who lives in me.

And the life I now live in the body
I live by faith in God’s Son,
who loved me and gave himself for me.
So mystery is done.
So mystery is done
Yes, mystery is done.

John 14:21,23
Galatians 2:20
1 Corinthians 15:10;
Philippians 2:13
October 29, 2019
Anthony Foster


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