Save Us

Save us from our buffered souls.
From the false gods that take their tolls
In bastions of success we hide
Devastate us where we preen with pride
For the Lust of the Flesh remains
And Ashteroth, it still attains
In sensuality and porn
Obsessed with sex an idol’s born

Save us. Save us.
Your One Son you Gave us
You cleansed and forgave us
So we will trust in You!

Beware the Lust of the Eyes
For Ba’al would see you compromise
And covet wealth and success
Rather than trust that God will bless
The Pride of Life still destroys
Unborn baby girls and boys
So that a lifestyle is maintained
Molech rules where ego reigns

Save us. Save us.
Your One Son you Gave us
You cleansed and forgave us
So we will trust in You!

We wage war with these enemies
These Powers and Principalities
These are Dominions that we face
Delusion cannot  change the case
But God has power to overcome
To change your course, and see them done
Intolerable bonds  that bind will burn
You grant the life for which we yearn!

Save us. Save us.
Your One Son you Gave us
You cleansed and forgave us
So we will trust in You!

October 30, 2019
Anthony Foster


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