Dark Waters

Over the chaos your Spirit hovered
A formless and void nothing your presence covered
You called light out of darkness Tamed the monstrous deep
You began the promise you promised to keep

From what sleeping rocks dream of sprang reality
And tohu va vohu begat boundless beauty
You spoke into chaos- lo, your will was done
Creation was sourced in Father Spirit and Son

You still speak to dark waters, change chaos to rhyme
You speak your Good Word in and out all of time
In every  conflict the victory's won
You speak to dark waters, lo, your will is done...

The One Eternal Word was spoken in grace
To every danger and wildness and waste
For every life that seems formless and void
Now even death by that Word is destroyed

To whatever darkness and chaos you face
The Lord will speak power and mercy and grace
He'll  speak into the darkness and light issues forth
And faith comes by hearing and knowing its worth

You still speak to dark waters, change chaos to rhyme
You speak your Good Word in and out all of time
In every  conflict the victory's won
You speak to dark waters, lo, your will is done...

May 24, 2020
Anthony Foster


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