He Who Made the Pleiades and Orion

He who made the Pleiades and Orion, 
and darkens day to night, and it is done 
and turns deep darkness into the dawn
who calls the waters of the sea His pawn
and pours them out on the surface of the earth,

the Lord is his name- the name of matchless worth!
We name the sovereign name that we exalt and we adore 
The name above all names-the Name of Christ our Lord 
We lift your Name on High as we declare your fame
So if we live or if we die we hallow your great name
He who made the seashores and the dry land 
And knows the number of the grains of sand 
He who made the Scylla and Charibdis
He made the tender mother's kiss

He wove the wondrous warp and woof of woe 
And made the blind and lame and deaf also.
We name the sovereign name that we exalt and we adore 
The name above all names-the Name of Christ our Lord 
We lift your Name on High as we declare your fame
So if we live or if we die we hallow your great name

May 5, 2020 
Anthony Foster


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