Turn My Prayer into a Song

Every prayer is a psalm unto the Lord
He hears each petition that's outpoured
When to the Lord we turn
He hears the hearts that yearn
In prayer His good pleasure we afford

For when I learn to sing my prayer
A new song of praise my lips shall bear
As I learn to raise
This sacrifice of praise
It becomes a fragrance beyond compare.

Lord turn my prayer into a song
That I might sing it all day long
And your perfect peace
Will never cease
To make this frail child strong.

As prayer turns to praise his presence God imparts
This peaceable fruit becomes a work of His art
The Lord is glorified
As His name is lifted High
And in turn The Lord lifts up our hearts.

His presence provides a healing balm
When our prayer becomes a psalm
Our minds  and spirits  Christ will calm
I will pray with my spirit, I will pray with my mind
I will sing  with my spirit, I will sing with my mind

Lord turn my prayer into a song
That I might sing it all day long
And your perfect peace
Will never cease
To make this frail child strong.

1 Corinthians 14:15
May 18, 2020
Anthony Foster


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