Home Away from Home

Between the glorious and mundane
The radical and the oh, so sane
The salt of the earth does not mock rotting meat
It saves and it seasons or soberly weeps.

Between the glory and the degradation
We live in a place that’s in need of salvation
The light of the world cannot be hid away
It labors to illumine and puts glory on display

Yes, our citizenship is in heaven on high
And we won’t make it home till the day that we die
But if we’­re dying with Christ we  are never alone
He’ll abide with us here in our home- away from home

So I’ll build my home on Christ and nothing less
I’ll hold this home loosely till I take my rest
And so to this world I’ll not be conformed
I will set my mind on Jesus and be transformed

As exiles and strangers we navigate dangers
As we seek for that city that is to come
We happily sojourn ‘til the day we return
To our home in heaven when the journey is done.

Our citizenship is in heaven on high
And we won’t make it home till the day that we die
But if we’­re dying with Christ we  are never alone
He’ll abide with us here in our home- away from home.

After a meditation on a John Piper devotion
June 24, 2020
Anthony Foster


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