A Place of Grace

Lord make us lights in the darkness this day
Help us illumine those who come our way
To encounter creations made new evermore
Lord open our windows and throw wide our doors

Give us a witness both joyous and bold
Set us apart like your people of old
Who lived by the faith you imparted  by grace
Paint your blood on the doors  on our heart’s dwellingplace

Reign over this household, Lord, I pray
Bless our endeavors as we learn to obey
We want your perfect will whatever it costs
Make our home as we take up our cross
For we know you’ll reward us for whatever is lost

As we equip our children, as we labor and play
As we seek out your Word as we live out our days
As we  care for our families, as we wait and we pray
May our home be a respite from the world and its ways.

Lord make our home a place of grace
Lord shine forth from the windows of this humble place
Where you Word lights the shadows of darkness and doubt
As we care for the souls who come in and go out.

Reign over this household, Lord, I pray
Bless our endeavors as we learn to obey
We want your perfect will whatever it costs
Make our home as we take up our cross
For we know you’ll reward us for whatever is lost

July 1, 2020
Anthony Foster


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