I will Glory in the Holy One

I was  poor and needy searching for water,
My tongue was parched with thirst.
But God will not forsake His true sons and daughters
Those who will seek His Kingdom first

I will rejoice in the LORD , and in Him will I stand
I will glory in the Holy One
For my redeemer declares that He holds my right hand
I will glory in the Holy One
I will glory in the Holy One
I will glory in the Holy One

I will not fear, for my Jesus is with me;
I’ll not be dismayed,
For the Lord is the God of this man.
He will strengthen help me;
And He will ever uphold  me
He will hold me with His righteous right hand.

For His eye ever searches  throughout all the earth
For  the hearts that are completely His own
He will strongly support their ways and their works
So that His glory to all is made known

I will rejoice in the LORD , and in Him will I stand
I will glory in the Holy One
For my redeemer declares that He holds my right hand
I will glory in the Holy One
I will glory in the Holy One
I will glory in the Holy One

July 1, 2020
Isaiah 41:10-18
Anthony Foster


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