How Can It Be?

Can it be, how can it be 

That  the Savior died for me?

How can it be that I should gain

Healing from one who bore my pain

Amazing, this is amazing, I stand in awe at the very thought

Amazing, So amazing, The price He paid that my soul might be bought

An interest in His blood divine

Is given to me, it is mine

Though I was still his enemy

He bore my sin and died for me!

Amazing, this is amazing, I stand in awe at the very thought

Amazing, So amazing, The price He paid that my soul might be bought

This is a holy mystery

How very God  hung on the tree

This paradox of pain and peace

The wonders of it never cease

Amazing, this is amazing, I stand in awe at the very thought

Amazing, So amazing, The price He paid that my soul might be bought

Angels inquire into the scene

To Understand what it should mean

To see the heart of God now rent

Twas for this moment Christ was sent.

Amazing, this is amazing, I stand in awe at the very thought

Amazing, So amazing, The price He paid that my soul might be bought

The eternal immortal Son

Gives up his breath and it is done

Now with His death Sin now  dies

But on the third day He will rise.

Amazing, this is amazing, I stand in awe at the very thought

Amazing, So amazing, The price He paid that my soul might be bought

Amazing, this is amazing, I stand in awe at the very thought

Amazing, So amazing, The price He paid that my soul might be bought

Anthony Foster

August 20, 2020


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