In Glory I Would Stand

My joy is found in heaven’s heights-Where my Lord rules on His throne

So on its shores I will set my sights-There I’ll know as I am known

Now I will pursue heaven’s mind-And seek a servant’s heart

Then earthy goodness I might find-As I am set apart.


For I would fully apprehend-The presence of my King

And there in glory I would stand-To rejoice give thanks and sing


The inheritance I’ll one day own-In one sense now is mine

For His favor Christ has shown-As a seal and as a sign

To bask in glory without end-My boast will be complete

His beauty I will comprehend-In his presence at His feet


For I would fully apprehend-The presence of my King

And there in glory I would stand-To rejoice give thanks and sing


August 7, 2020

Anthony Foster












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