God Reigns

God reigns over the nations;  Our God reigns on high
God sits on his holy throne.  And his redemption is drawing nigh
The Lord reigns from eternity Come and make his glory known.
He is robed in majesty;  He is Lord and Lord alone.

The sound of God's watchmen— they lift up their voice;
Together they sing for joy;  Together with them we rejoice
For eye to eye they see  the return of the Lord to Zion.
Break forth together into singing, Sing a song of the lamb and lion!

For our God is the One  who is high and lifted up,
To Him alone we lift Salvation’s Cup
He who inhabits eternity,  Holy is His Name
Our God reigns, From Age to Age the Same!

The Lord has bared his holy arm  before the eyes of all the nations,
And all the ends of the earth  shall see our God’s great salvation
He dwells in the high and holy place,  And to the humble grace imparts
To raise up the spirit of the lowly,  And to revive contrite hearts

For our God is the One  who is high and lifted up,
To Him alone we lift Salvation’s Cup
He who inhabits eternity,  Holy is His Name
Our God reigns, From Age to Age the Same!

Isaiah 57:15
Isaiah 52:7-10
Nehemiah 9:6
Psalm 93:1-5
Psalm 47:8  

October 16, 2020
Anthony Foster


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