The Deep, Deep Wells of Mercy

There are waters that will engulf you
And take you to sin’s miry depths
Drowning  in floods of  futility
They’ll take away  your final breath

But there is Water for the weary
And Streams for saddened souls
A Fountain founded for the fearful
As the righteous river rolls

Oh the deep, deep wells of mercy
Into the living waters sink
Leave behind the broken cisterns
From the wells of mercy drink

Christ is the source of life eternal
For we know He is the living water
If you would Never thirst again
Draw from its depths you sons and daughters

Drinking from the well of Jesus
A  fountain springs up in your soul
Rivers of living water
Out of your heart will flow

Oh the deep deep wells of mercy
With living water welling up
I will drink from its depths in this desert
For He will freely fill salvations’ cup

Anthony Foster
October 3, 2020


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