A Hymn of Praise to Our God

Glory, glory, we adore You
You are our God and You alone
We declare with hearts confessing
There is no other Lord that we have known

But now our praise demands repentance
Conviction shows we’ve been untrue
Words of praise ring starkly hollow
For other treasures we pursue.

Lord we believe! Lord Help our unbelief
Lord may your Spirit turn our fine words to grief
Give us the gift of repentance from Sin
As your beloved children cleanse us again!
For you will purify
The soul that seeks to die
To all pursuits except for one
To seek your Kingdom and see it done
For then our hearts can truly praise
The author of our days and ways
Then in us you’ll be glorified
And we will be truly satisfied

Make our praise a sweet aroma
Inhabit  our praise as we draw near
Turn our doubting into trusting
Fill our hearts with holy fear

Lord we believe! Lord Help our unbelief
Lord may your Spirit turn our fine words to grief
Give us the gift of repentance from Sin
As your beloved children cleanse us again!
For you will purify
The soul that seeks to die
To all pursuits except for one
To seek your Kingdom and see it done
For then our hearts can truly praise
The author of our days and ways
Then in us you’ll be glorified
And we will be truly satisfied

November 18, 2020
Anthony Foster


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