Head in the Clouds (Don't Lose Your Mind)

Some folks work an assembly line and are bound to punch that clock
I live in a place out of time cause somebody rolled my rock
It's got nothin' to do with politics and nothing to do with fate
I gave it all to the man upstairs  and in turn He set me straight.
Or was that the other way around...

You don't have to lose your mind to find your soul
You just have to lose your life to find it.
Nothin' in this world can make you whole
Cause this too shall surely pass If you don't mind it
With my head on the ground and my feet in the clouds
I just want to go out and play
But with my head in the clouds and my feet on the ground
I'll let  go of my worries today

Some folks get their undies in a wad when they don't get their way
And some folks just keep silent cause they got nothing worthy to say
With all this stinkin' thinkin' goin' round  no wonder they are so sad
My momma used to tell me well if you're mad, then you can just get glad 
Or was that the other way around...

You don't have to lose your mind to find your soul
You just have to lose your life to find it.
Nothin' in this world can make you whole
Cause this too shall surely pass If you don't mind it
With my head on the ground and my feet in the clouds
I just want to go out and play
With my head in the clouds and my feet on the ground
I'll let  go of my worries today.

November Friday 13, 2020
Anthony Foster


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