Who is Like Our God?
Christ can turn us from our selfish ways
He can turn us from our sins today
He can turn our trials into praise
Who is like our God?
He spares us from calamities
Even ones we cannot see
And from our chains he’ll set us free
Who is like our God?
Above every ruler. Above every name.
For all time. Forever set apart
The power of Christ age to age the same
Only His power can change the heart
Who is Like Our God?
Who is Like Our God?
In Him and through Him and to Him are all things
Who is Like Our God?
What men mean for evil he turns to good
He works all things like we never could
He makes mystery to be understood
Who is like our God?
He works his purpose out in us
He makes glory out of dust
He gives to us the will to trust
Who is like our God?
Above every ruler. Above every name.
For all time. Forever set apart
The power of Christ, age to age the same
Only His power can change the heart
Who is Like Our God?
Who is Like Our God?
In Him and through Him and to Him are all things
Who is Like Our God?
November 18, 2020
Anthony Foster
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