All Treasures God's Good Gift Excels

We would see the glory of Christ, 
We would see this, we would see
He who is the image of God.
We would see, this is our plea
We would see the glory of God 
in the face of Jesus Christ.
We exult in what we see and know
As we own the pearl of great price

God is with us God is for us
God is in us now
Grace was given We’re forgiven
Christ in living in us now.

The son of God took on flesh
That he might suffer and die
So grace can come to sinners
That’s the only way and why
Now we who are the reconciled
We honor and His name extoll
The Spirit pours the love of God
Into our heart and soul

God is with us God is for us
God is in us now
Grace was given We’re forgiven
Christ in living in us now.

All treasures God’s good gift excels
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
Immanuel with us to dwell 
Hail the incarnate deity
Hail the incarnate deity
Hail the incarnate deity

God is with us God is for us
God is in us now
Grace was given We’re forgiven
Christ in living in us now.

Anthony Foster
December 23, 2020


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