I Will Cast My Cares on You
Lord, Take my burdened heart,
Take it with all my cares
For though my wounds their pain impart,
My burdens you will bear
Lord, Take my burdened soul,
Take them to be Your own ;
Here where the waves of sorrow roll
Your mercy you have shown
I will cast my cares on You
Give to you my weary way
You bear the burdens of my soul
And my fears are cast away
Lord, Take my burdened life ;
Give me Your yoke to share
For it is free of human strife
It is easy and light to bear
Lord, Take my burdened day ;
Make me to soar on high ;
Then when the shadows stop the way,
All cloudless is my sky.
I will cast my cares on You
Give to you my weary way
You bear the burdens of my soul
And my fears are cast away
Lord, Take my burdened will
Renew my striving mind
For where You bid my storm be still,
Perfect freedom I will find.
I will cast my cares on You
Give to you my weary way
You bear the burdens of my soul
And my fears are cast away
Yes my fears are cast away.
1 Peter 5:7
Anthony Foster (After George Matheson)
December 28, 2020
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