Silent Prayer

Father, in your lovingkindness
You have heard and embraced my stress
When my soul cannot find words to confess
You bear my spirit’s sigh, 
For in my heart the shadows deep
Obscure Your mercy as I weep 
As my deep place calls unto deep
You hear and heed my cry.
There are moments deep within  my soul
Where burgeoning billows round it roll,
And I see no power that can control
Their pathless way,
My heart knows not whom or what to ask 
So I question why  is my soul downcast?
I preach to my soul taking it to task
But I cannot pray.

When you come to Christ for love and mercy 
And help in your anguish  And your perplexity 
When you plead for him to forgive your sin, 
You really need to know
You are going with the flow 
Of his own deepest wishes, not against them.

Your blessed Word my mind can teach
That even my groanings without speech
Into my  Father's heart can reach
And find its solace there.
You  count all my unspoken sighs ;
You treasure up  my wordless cries,
And send to me divine replies
As answered prayer.
You read within my human groan,
Whose cause is to myself unknown,
My spirit's need for You alone
For You even still more.
When in my heart the shadows creep
To obscure Your mercy as I weep 
As my deep place calls unto deep
My groans You’ll not ignore
You heed my cry once more.

Anthony Foster Romans 8:26 (After George Matheson)
December 23, 2020


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