The Secret Place

There is a secret down in my heart  That nobody's eye can see ; 
In the world's great plan it has no part,  But it makes my world to me. 
The secret that mine heart holds dear
Is found in the way of a holy fear
I tremble deep within my breast,  At the foot of all else 'tis found ; 
Over other things it is most blest,  For this is my holy ground. 
By the breath of its native life it lives  
It shines alone by the light it gives. 

The fear of the Lord lies in the secret place
God's counsel from it flows
This is the very source of grace
And the peace my spirit knows

Past understanding, this peace of  mine, It came in my darkest hour ; 
It woke when the stars had ceased to  shine,  When sunlight lost its power. 
Like the Lord from the darkness of the  tomb, 
Through close -shut doors it filled the room. 
It filled the room and it filled my life  With a glory of source unseen ; 
It made me calm in the midst of strife,  And in winter my heart was green ; 
And the birds of promise sang on the tree 
When the storm was breaking 'round about me. 

The fear of the Lord lies in the secret place
And wisdom from it flows
This is the very source of grace
And the peace my spirit knows.

" The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.''' Psalm 25:14.

Anthony Foster (after George Matheson)
December 23, 2020


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