The Threshold of Prayer

Father when first to You I pray
I shall not allow my mind to stray
With my first thoughts I shall say
" Hallowed be Your name."
I shall not ask for wealth or power,
Or for over other men to tower
But shall begin devotion's hour
With "Hallowed be Your name."

I first shall lift mine eyes above
To view the dwellings of Your love,
And my heart's lips shall speak thereof
"Hallowed be Your name."
I shall not pray for daily bread,
I shan't ask for straight paths to tread,
Till I have buried self and said,
" Hallowed be Your name."

Before I ask, I shall adore ; My gift of love shall go before,
And yield my heart while I implore
"Hallowed be Your name."
I shall before all else desire That Your great love may kindle fire
Which shall the sons of men inspire
To consecrate Your name.

I would postpone my human need
To seek Your praise in word and deed,
And to implore the years to speed
The hallowing of Your name.
So shall my morning act of prayer
Be no mere cry of want's despair.
There is no name that can compare
To the glory of your name.

Before I ask, I shall adore ; My gift of love shall go before,
And yield my heart while I implore
" Hallowed be Your name."
I shall before all else desire That Your great love may kindle fire
Which shall the sons of men inspire
To consecrate Your name.
" Hallowed be Your name."

Anthony Foster-based on a song by George Matheson
December 28, 2020


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