Lift up your Head

When you strike rock bottom 
With a sense helplessness,
 You may have struck the Rock of Ages. 
Underneath your hopelessness

Oh lift up your head
From you knees look up
Take the wine and the bread 
The drink in the cup

There on your knees 
look up at His feet
On the cross Christ decrees
Death will die in defeat

So I must worship, worship the King
His sovereign majesty rules over everything
And so I will worship may His praise fill the earth!
Lift up your head and declare the savior’s worth

A bruised reed he will not break
Nor quench the ember,  nor forsake
The one who casts himself on grace
Lift up your head and seek His face

So I must worship, worship the King
His sovereign majesty rules over everything
And so I will worship may His praise fill the earth!
Lift up your head and declare the Savior’s worth

May 2009/March 9, 2021
Anthony Foster


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