He Will Hold You

When the ground gives way-And there’s no place to stand
Find your sure mainstay In the palm of His hand
Through the stormy blast-Though the earth may quake
He will hold you fast For his own name’s sake

And He will hold you
HE will hold you
He will keep you from harm
He will hold you
God will hold you
Hold you in his loving arms

Trials and troubles come Sorrow makes you weep
When the day is done He will be your keep
Every loss and pain Will serve to remind
Loss can be our gain If grace we will find

So trust your heartache-Trust your crisis and pain
To the one who can break-Every burdening chain
Come to Him for refuge-And a hiding place
A rock in the deluge-A tower of grace

And He will hold you
HE will hold you
He will keep you from harm
He will hold you
God will hold you
Hold you in his loving arms

May 17, 2021
Anthony Foster


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