In the Belly of the Beast

The valley of the shadow
Casts its darkness on us all
And temptation’s something we all know
This side of the Fall.
The valley of the shadow of death
Is not just about the grave
The wages of sin will take your breath
But Jesus Christ will save

Sometimes you have to sing out loud
And feel your soul released
Are you ready to meet your maker
In the belly of the beast

God calls us out of darkness 
Into His marvelous light
And then he equips us
To enter in the fight
And so this light we carry
To see the darkness flee
the shadow may surround us
But we have the victory

Sometimes you have to sing out loud
And feel your soul released
Are you ready to meet your maker
In the belly of the beast

Sometimes you have to sing out loud
And feel your soul released
Are you ready to meet your maker
In the belly of the beast

Anthony Foster
May 22, 2021



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