Jesus, Jesus

Jesus, Jesus, God who frees us
How does your Kingdom grow?
With mouths that tell
The gates of Hell shall not prevail
Against the seed we sow.

And so we will go
We will go.
We will take good seed to sow
The world’s fields to plow
And await your rains
To raise new grains
New voices to sing
And see the harvest you will bring.

Jesus Jesus -God who sees us
Whose eyes search to and fro
To seek the ones who your will have done
To strengthen them as they run
And support them as they go. 

And so we will go
We will go.
We will take good seed to sow
The world’s fields to plow
And await your rains
To raise new grains
New voices to sing
And see the harvest you will bring.

May 23, 2021
Anthony Foster


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