The Beautiful and Terrible (Fear NOT)


The expected and the unexpected give cause to rejoice
They raise a Hallelujah as they lift  our voice
A pure raw jubilation arises in the heart
And gratitude and adoration play in counterpart
There are just as many, even more lamenting loss
Pain that wrenches in the gut over the countless cost
And for all of the questions, answers will not attain
As screams are heard in heaven there is One who feels the pain

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, 
For I am your God; so take your stand
I will strengthen you, and help you, do not be afraid
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
The beautiful and terrible are both part of the plan.

This side of the Fall emotions play in paradox
Powerful and plaintive till we end up in a box
Some in celebration, Some in deep despair
The beautiful and terrible dance in polar prayer
For some a sorrow mixed with joy is their reality
Divergent feelings come to play in heady harmony
Both pathos and poignancy  a paradox  complete
As pure emotions juxtapose before the mercy seat

Rejoice with those who rejoice and  weep with those who weep
To do them both as unto God  may be faith’s greatest leap
For only wind beneath our wings can help us thus to fly
The breath of GOD shall carry us to places left untried.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, 
For I am your God; so take your stand
I will strengthen you, and help you, do not be afraid
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
The beautiful and terrible are both part of the plan.

James 4:9
Deuteronomy 32:39
Isaiah 41:10
Isaiah 45:7
Anthony Foster
May 28, 2021


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