Go Deep
Let us go deep into the goodness of God
Taking comfort in His precious promise of His staff and rod
He protects us us in a place of peace
His benevolence shall never cease
Let us go deep into the goodness of God
Let us go deep into the sovereignty of God
Let us go into the mystery where saints of old have trod
Sinking roots down deep in sovereign grace
Standing firm in His provident embrace
Let us go deep into the sovereignty of God
Go deep, go deep
In depths unfathomed, mercies reap
For there your soul He’ll surely keep
Go deep, go deep, go deep
Let us go deep into the wisdom of God
As we stand in His presence we surely shall be awed
With understanding unsurpassed
His knowledge infinitely vast
Let us go deep into the wisdom of God
Jesus keeps His sheep
Jesus keeps His sheep
Jesus keeps His sheep
Let us go deep into the kindness of God
Let us go Where we are loved though we are flawed
His compassion and His tenderness
Gives perfect peace and blessedness
Let us go deep into the kindness of God
Go deep, go deep
He never slumbers, never sleeps
You’ll find your soul He’ll surely keep
Go deep, go deep, go deep
Go deep, go deep, go deep
Go deep, go deep, go deep
Anthony Foster
July 23, 2021
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