I Know My Lord And Savior Loves Me

I know my Lord and Savior loves me
Even though I’m broken to the core
My Shepherd He will guide and lead me
I will live with him forevermore.

A broken pot, He fills and heals me
Until His glories overflow
And with His Spirit saves and seals me
Though my cracks and fissures still may show

Now to live is Christ and to die is gain
But for now I’ll work out what He works in
So I’ll follow Jesus while I still remain
With a focused hatred for my sin

Compassion is the mark that love leaves
And mercy  makes the sinner whole
Justice  vindicates one who believes
And when practiced purifies the soul

So I’ll walk humbly on the road to glory
I’ll stand boldly at the throne of grace
For my Savior’s writing all my story
With a love that time cannot erase.

Now to live is Christ and to die is gain
But for now I’ll work out what He works in
So I’ll follow Jesus while I still remain
With a focused hatred for my sin
For My loving Savior is my friend.
Yes my loving Savior is my friend.

Anthony Foster
July 15, 2021


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