The Mystery of Mercy

The mystery of mercy I cannot comprehend
That by your steadfast love we are reconciled
You blot out my transgressions, Lord help me apprehend
The fact that I am loved as your own child

Have mercy on me, O God, redeem my soul
By your steadfast love I am called
According to your abundant mercy make me whole
Blot out my transgressions once for all

In Christ we see the mystery of mercy is revealed
By grace through faith the gift shall become known
The power, pardon and favor is no longer concealed
The gift of repentance given by your grace alone

Come all who are hungry and are thirsty
Come receive His steadfast love’s embrace
The Lord, the Lord, our God is known for mercy
He is slow to anger, and full of grace

Have mercy on me, O God, redeem my soul
By your steadfast love I am called
According to your abundant mercy make me whole
Blot out my transgressions once for all

Psalm 51:1; Exodus 34:6–7
August 18, 2021
Anthony Foster


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