Exalted One, Your Name is Holy

We will worship the One who is worthy
For You have changed our willful hearts of stone
You have transformed us with quickened hearts of flesh
And shown our minds what we had never known

You have crushed us by the memories of our sin
You have opened eyes to see sin that remains
You have healed our broken spirits with your Word
You have turned our deepest losses into gains

Exalted One, Your name is Holy
Write Your Word upon our hearts that we might know
All the blessings now of dwelling in your presence
And the glories of  residing in your temple here below

Holy Holy Holy is your Name
Your goodness and your mercy fuel your fame
So we cast our souls upon you and proclaim
You are the One from Age to Age the Same

We will worship  as we come to stand boldly
Before your high, majestic throne of Grace
We shall revel in the knowledge of your person
As we’re undone by the glory of your Face

We will walk in wonder with your Holy Spirit
And the holiness you author we’ll pursue 
And as we become the righteousness you’re giving
We shall live and move and find our being in You

Exalted One, Your name is Holy
Write Your Word upon our hearts that we might know
All the blessings now of dwelling in your presence
And the glories of  residing in your temple here below

Ezekiel 36:26
Isaiah 57:15-19; Jeremiah 31:31, 33
October 17, 2021
Anthony Foster



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