Gentle and Lowly

Gentle and lowly is the heart
Of the Savior of our soul
Humble and meek
Yet He comes to seek
And save us from Sin’s control.

He sits down to eat with the drunkard
He reaches and heals the blind
They are given new sight
The lame are put right 
And all those that seek Him shall find. 

He reaches out to the unclean
He touches the corrupt and vile
He weeps for the decadent sinner
He comes to us to reconcile

The whore and the thief and the vandal
The self righteous rulers of men
All face the same test
Will they choose to be blessed
Or to continue to die in their sin

Jesus carries our sins and our sorrows
And puts it to death on His cross
He defeats all our foes
When from the grave he rose
He secured  all the hope we had lost.

Gentle and lowly is the heart
Of the Savior of our soul
Humble and meek
Yet in power He seeks
To save us and make us whole.

October 6, 2021
Anthony Foster


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