Pick Your Poison

Too much of a good thing Too little of the bad
Can both come to harm you They can drive you quite mad
‘Cause idols aren’t obvious Like a bad attitude 
They can steal right up on you -They’re subtle and shrewd

The lust of the flesh The lust of the eyes
The pride of life Can be a surprise
So man, pick your poison but better beware
They’ll bring you down low and you’ll come to despair

In the mind is the battle and that’s where it’s won
Take every thought captive and when the day is done
Next day there’s the conflict between right and wrong
The poison will find you cause you ain’t that strong

Each man has a cancer and there is no cure
It started in Eden  and still it endures
There’s only one treatment and only one plan
‘Cause God gets the glory  when in Him you stand

The lust of the flesh The lust of the eyes
The pride of life Can be a surprise
So man, pick your poison but better beware
He’ll take all Your poison –He’s your only prayer.

Anthony Foster
October 12, 2021



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