Overrule Me

I am a wayward child at times Presuming on your grace I've committed oh so many crimes Like resisting your embrace Lord prevail over my ignorance My arguments disallow Take me to my knees till my spirit repents Reverse my bad decisions somehow Oh Jesus! overrule me For your glory and my good Though Satan tries to fool me I'll surrender to you I will render to you My obedience just as I should Make me a man under authority Change my heart and change my mind Over whelm my desires till your way I see And your perfect will may I find When I am contrary and act like a fool Your discipline is what I need So my stubborn stony heart overrule Teach me to obey as you intercede Wretched man that I am, who will rescue me Who in the world will give me liberty From this life that is dominated by sin? Thank God for my deliverance in Him The death sentence is overruled and I am free Oh Jesus, overrule me For your glory and my good Though Satan tries to fool me I'll surrender to you I ...