Giving Thanks

This is the day we've set apart To express the gratefulness in our heart Of giving thanks for gifts of grace That the stuff of earth cannot replace. We thank God for our very life Lived in peace and not in strife We thank God for the daily bread That He provides so we are fed Chorus For all that You are we thank you Lord Let our hearts continually overflow Over all good gifts, the best you afford Is the treasure of your presence here below We thank God for a land that's free But more so for our destiny That Heaven's gates are opened wide That Christ may take us to his side Bridge We take for granted every day The gift of life God gives to us So let us gratefully give thanks And in our faithful God to trust We marvel with the heavenly hosts That we can stand and make our boast Boldly before the throne of Grace To gaze upon God's very face. Chorus For all that You are we thank you Lord Let our hearts continually overflow Over all good gifts, the best you afford Is the tr...