
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Glory of Christ

The depths o f life are apprehended In the fellowship of suffering. Made one with the cross we are mended Though broken and spilled out we sing For now in our pain there is ultimate gain And our suffering is not a waste It is a small price, for the glory of Christ Fulfills every desire we have chased The Glory of Christ is the pearl of great price This is the anthem we sing All grace from Him flows , all life from him grows And is kept by our Savior and King He brings p u rpose to o u r s u ffering So rid yourselves of all that binds you From the be a utiful g l ory of Christ Let this admonition remind you Give your all and theres no sacrifice For justice, meekness, truth, and grace Attend His glorious way. They overcome every loss we have faced For the glory of Christ each day The Glory of Christ is the pearl of great price This is the anthem we sing All grace from Him flows , all life from him grows And is kept by our Savior and King He brings p u rpose to o u r s u ffering Now li...

Joint Heirs with Jesus

We have heritage and an inheritance Because we are co-heirs with Christ We have a share were given in advance As a surety that will suffice As Gods adopted daughters and sons We are firstborn heirs of creation Our inheritance is eternal life though its begun For we are the heirs of salvation Even of the very throne of Christ We are given a measure Given a pearl of greatest price And a heritage to treasure Heirs of Gods promises ever true Heirs of this world and eternity As heirs we are given a deposit Of the Spirit as a guarantee Redeemed to the praise of His glory Joint heirs together with Christ Redeemed to the praise of His glory Joint heirs together with Christ Redeemed to the praise of His glory Amen! Romans 8:17, Hebrews 1:14, 1 Peter 1:4, Revelation 3:21, Ephesians 1:14 John 6:37 October 30, 2018 Anthony Foster

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

Where there is no vigilance, No urgency to seize us, Where there is no focused listening Or fixing our eyes on Jesus, We will never stand still, But go drifting far away. The life of this world is not a lake- It is a river gone astray! So fix your eyes on Jesus Listen earnestly to His Word Fix your mind on what He ’ s saying And heed what you have heard And you ’ ll never drift away Drift away, drift away To go with the flow will take you down Descending to decay As the river runs we are losing ground We will drift away But there is a rock that will not move Tho the tumult rages There is a truth that will ever prove To be secure thru the ages Author and perfecter of our faith, you are our source We will fix our eyes on you and You will plot our course! So fix your eyes on Jesus Listen earnestly to his word Fix your mind on what He ’ s saying And consider what you ’ ve heard And you ’ ll never drift away Drift away, drift away Hebrews 12 : 2 Anthony Foster October 30, 2018

Depend on It

God's love is secure His provision is sure You can depend on it God's plans for you Will always come true You can depend on it His light will illumine The truth that we seek The earth we'll inherit If we become meek His grace is sufficient Whenever we're weak You can depend on it. So join the mighty chorus He is ever for us You can depend on it More sure than the sun Setting when day is done You can depend on it We are his forever Forever held fast The truth that He gives us Is truth that will last For eternity future  As in eternity past You can depend on it His children will prosper His people will win His blood overcomes all The depths of our sin He draws us to his side were His in the end You can depend on it You can depend on it You can depend on it Anthony Foster October 30, 2018

Humble Joy and Holy Fear (Psalm 32)

Blest is the man, forever blest, Whose guilt is pardoned by his God; Whose sins with sorrow are confessed, And covered with his Savior's blood. Blest is the man to whom the Lord Imputes not his iniquities; He pleads no merit of reward, Not works, but grace is His sole plea Repentance and free pardon; By Grace we are Justified Haughty hearts that were hardened By Grace are being Sanctified Souls that long for Christ to appear Will arise to stand before His throne. Yet humble joy, and holy fear By these shall all Gods saints be known From guile his heart and lips are free; His contrite joy, his reverent fear, With deep repentance well agree, And join to prove his faith sincere. Christ cancels sins, and fear allays How glorious is His righteousness! While a bright evidence of grace Through saints' whole life is manifest. Repentance and free pardon; By grace we are Justified Haughty hearts that were hardened By Grace are being Sanctified Souls that long for Christ to appear W...

Hear My Cry (Repentance)

Lord, I am broken , I am weak At times out of control My inward anguish makes me seek To soothe the anguish of my soul. To soothe the anguish of my soul. All my desire to You is known, Your eye counts every tear; And every sigh, and every groan, Falls clearly on Your ear. I cry out and you hear. You are my God, my only hope; My God will hear my cry; My God will bear my spirit up, I would be lifted lest I die. I would be lifted lest I die. My sins, a heavy load, oppress, Each one to You is known They are too much, I cannot bear, Nor make atonement on my own Atonement rests on Christ alone! But I'll confess my guilt and shame And grieve for all my sin; I'll mourn my spirit, weak and lame May I by grace be cleansed May I by grace be cleansed You are my God, my only hope; My God will hear my cry; My God will bear my spirit up, I would be lifted lest I die. I ll only on my God rely My God, forgive the time I waste Lord be for ever nigh; O Lord of my salvation, haste, Oh Savior, he...

Pearl of Great Price

He is no fool to give u p what he cannot keep To gain that which he can never lose For what ever we sow we will s u rely reap By Gods grace we will wisely choose. Oh pearl of great price yo u are o u r greatest treasure It is no sacrifice to give u p all o u r earthly measure Oh light of things eternal , Oh pearl of great price To glory in your presence will be o u r paradise Where o u r treas u re is there o u r heart will be When we worship the most worthy one the u nseen we will see. This is life ab u ndant this is blessedness To s eek first the K ingdom and His righteo u sness To co u nt it all as loss, to pay any cost To gain the greatest treas u re is o u rs to embrace The thing of greatest worth in heaven or on earth Is the weight of glory fo u nd in J es u s ’ face Oh pearl of great price yo u are o u r greatest treasure It is no sacrifice to give u p all o u r earthly measure Oh light of things eternal , Oh pearl of great price To glory in your presence will be o u r parad...


O ur strength is but a broken cistern But you ’ re an overflowing stream We set o u r minds on things below And p u rs u e frivolo u s dreams Turn us , turn us, mighty God, And mold our souls afresh; Break, sovereign grace, these hearts of stone, And give us hearts of flesh. Let every wall that we erect Provoke our weeping eyes, And hourly as new mercies fall Let hourly thanks arise. T his is o u r lamentation This is o u r deep regret Forbid that we sho u ld waste yo u r grace As we are doing yet . Devastated and undone It is to you I run I cast myself on You And Your mercies come anew B u t to bend is my desire Break me if that is req u ired Lord hear my lament And give me grace to repent We invest such energy in things that pass away The wood and hay and stubble will all soon decay Avert our minds and set them on the unseen things above The good the true the beautiful and the p u rs u it of love Cr u sh my ha u ghty spirit and decimate my pride Yo u r flame, let me draw near it ...

I have Taken up my Cross

Jesus, I have taken up my cross All to leave and follow you Destitute, despised, a total loss Take all that is in me and all that I do! Perish every fond ambition, All I ' ve sought or hoped or known. Yet how rich is my condition, God and heaven are still my own. Go, then, earthly fame and treasure, Come disaster, scorn and pain In your service, pain is pleasure, With your favor, loss is gain I have called you Abba Father, On you I have stayed my heart Storms may rage, and darkness gather; All work for good on my part Soul, then know your full salvation Rise o ' er sin and fear and care Joy to find in every station, Something still to do or bear. Think what Spirit dwells within you, Think what Father ' s smiles are yours, Think that Jesus died to win you, Child of heaven, claim your cure. Hasten on from grace to glory, Armed by faith, and winged by prayer. Heaven ' s eternal days before me, Gods own hand shall guide us there. Soon shall close yo...

When I pour out my Soul

When I pour out my soul in prayer, the Lord my God attends To the eternal Throne of Grace my humble prayer ascends. You do not hide your glorious Face in times of deep distress: Incline your ear and hear my plea and forgive what I confess! When I pour out my soul in prayer My Father is waiting there Receiving my pleas As Im down on my knees And he dispels every dark despair When I pour out my soul in prayer I cast my burdens and all my cares As I am drawing near My Father hears No other solace compares. For God from his abode on high, hears every prayer thats prayed: The Lord, from Heaven, his lofty throne, has all the Earth surveyed. He strongly supports the humble that they might celebrate his fame, He answers or petition, we sing loud praises to his Name. When I pour out my soul in prayer My Father is waiting there Receiving my pleas As Im down on my knees And he dispels every dark despair When I pour out my soul in prayer I cast my burdens and all my cares As I am drawing near ...