We All Fall Down

Nothin’ ever falls together-It always falls apart When something’s broken its forever-Specially if it is a heart Entropy, it holds its captives In a spiral viral fall There’s no way to be adaptive In a violent free for all We all fall down there’s no falling up Every feeble plan devils will disrupt If we have to fall better be on our face Pleading for mercy pleading for grace We are stumbling in a dire descent We can be so wrong that our hope is spent From the day were born headed to the grave From womb to tomb how can we be saved? Bridge Shall we shake our fist At the only one who can lift Us from our sin and hate Who can avert our fate? If we could just fail forward as we fall upon our face We could cast ourselves headlong on Grace There is only one who can carry us The very one who made us from dust Yeah we all fall down but he’ll pick us up And drink the wrath carried in our cup We all fall down there’s no falling up Every feeble plan devils will disrupt If we have to fall better b...