Majesty and Meekness

Messiah is a Lamb and Lion He comes to serve and reign Both held in mighty tension He inflicts or bears o u r pain At once He is sin bearer -takes our iniquities He bears the penalty we face And gains the victory The roaring Lion of Judah i s worthy in God’s eyes T o op'n the scrolls of history w herein the future lies. He came to conquer and to purge and sit on David's Throne He came to be a mighty King and make God's glory known His dominion knows no end- forever He shall reign But before the crown of glory He first wore a crown of pain The King became a servant , and l aid aside his might Humbled himself in obedience that we may be made right In majesty and meekness the lion became the Lamb Took on a pecu liar glory And for the world was slain The Lamb was raised in glory on a cross where all might see His majesty and meekness b oth m ingle d perfectly . The Lamb arose again to stand, declare and demonstrate He is the sovereign by who...